the West Coast of India between Bhatkal and a line ten miles north of Karachi, on
board of which there is or has been during the voyage from which she is arriving or
has last arrived, either among the passengers or crew, any case or suspicious
case of bubonic plague, or if one or more deaths from any cause whatever
shall have occurred on board on the said voyage, shall report the same at the
earliest possible moment by signal to the Health Officer of the Port or through the
pilot or water-police.
4. If the vessel is coming into port, the master shall report such cases to the
pilot or boarding officers at the earliest possible opportunity, or, if she be not
boarded or be already at anchor within port limits, shall hoist a signal, which
shall be during the day the flag B of the Commercial Code, at the main, and
during the night at the same place, three lights, namely, red, white, and red, and
shall also verbally or in writing inform the Officer in charge of the Harbour Police.
It shall be the duty of the pilot or other officer to whom such report under Rule 1
is made, to communicate the same without delay to the Health Officer of the Port.
5. Pending the arrival of the Health Officer of the Port, the master shall
anchor in the stream and shall not permit the departure or landing of any of his
crew or passengers until permitted to do so by the Health Officer of the Port.
6. The masters of vessels to which Rule 3 is applicable and the masters of all
vessels arriving from the ports or places inside the limits prescribed in Rule 3 shall
only permit the disembarkation of their crews and passengers between the hours of
6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and at such bunders or places as may be directed by the Health
Officer of the Port.
The following is a copy of the certificate which had to be signed
by the masters of vessels arriving at Bombay from ports other than
those on the West Coast of India between Bhatkal and a line ten miles
north of Karachi :-
" I do hereby certify that the Steamer /Ship has not, since leaving
on its present voyage, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of taking in, or
landing, passengers or cargo, or for any other purpose, touched at, nor held any
communication with, any port or place on the West Coast of India between Bhatkal
in the south and a line drawn ten miles north of Karachi. I further certify that
to the best of my belief there is not, nor has there been during the present voyage,
any case or cases of bubonic plague amongst the crew or passengers of my vessel.
(Signed) (Signed)
Medical Officer, if any. Captain.
The following Staff under Surgeon-Major F. F. MacCartie, I.M.S.,
Port Health Officer, was employed on the inspections :-
A. Outward-
Surg.-Major Crimmin, I.M.S., V.C., Additional Health Officer.
Surg.-Lieut. Evans, I.M.S.
,, Clemensha, I.M.S.
Richards, I.M.S.
Miss DeCunha, Lady Doctor.
Bradley, Lady Doctor (worked up to May 18th).
Mr. Fernandez, Assistant Surgeon.
Mr. Wakeman
Mr. O'Leary
Mr. Abdulla, Hospital Assistant.