In Daji Purbhoo's Wadi at Gharupdeo -in Tarwari, there are
some 90 houses containing a population of some 2,000 persons. The
houses are mostly (a wretched class of chawls) of kutcha construction,
dark, damp, with deficient ventilation and the surroundings very insanitary.
Most of the sewage of the place soaks into the ground. The
first recorded cases occurred on January 1st, the 2nd on the 6th,
and from that date onwards until the 14th February, 21 cases occurred ;
by that date all the inhabitants had left the Wadi. The usual cleansing
operations were carried out, all the houses being mostly thoroughly
lime-washed, and those in which cases had occurred, treated with
perchloride of mercury. The water was cut off in all the dwellings and
stand-pipes with taps erected from which open drains were constructed,
and all kutchra collected and burned.
The cleansing operations commenced on January 28th and occupied
two days and were most thoroughly done.
After the 29th of January the following cases occurred : 30th,
1 case ; 31st, 2 ; Feb. 2nd, 2 ; 3rd, 3 ; 4th, 1 ; 5th, 1 ; 7th, 1 ; 9th, 1 ;
10th, 1 ; 12th, 2 ; 13th, 3 ; 14th, 1.
This would appear to point out the fact that when the surround-
ings are hopelessly insanitary and where buildings are overcrowded
as they were in this Wadi, and have little or no plinth, and the rooms
contain no means of ventilation, except the door, sanitary operations
have little or no effect in stopping the disease, and that the only certain
treatment is segregation of the people and demolition of the buildings.
In Amba Wadi which is in the Mazagon District, there are
about 200 houses containing a probable population of 1,800. The houses
are many of them pucca built, rooms fairly dry, and light with ventila-
tion. The first case of the disease here occurred as in Daji Purbhoo's
Wadi on January 1st, another case was not reported until January 13th
and then 4 are reported : 13th 1, 14th 1, 15th 2. There was then an
interval of 10 days, the next case occurring on the 23th and 2 on the 29th.
On January 21st disinfecting operations commenced and were
completed on February 4th, from that date practically no cases occurred
although many houses remained occupied,
It is interesting to note in regard to the above three districts
that the virulence of the disease did not seem to be affected, as might
naturally be supposed, by the sanitary character of the houses or neigh-
bourhood, but it will be observed that in districts where the houses were
fairly sanitary and free from excessive overcrowding, cleansing opera-
tions showed distinctly beneficial results, while in the districts where
the houses were abnormally insanitary and overcrowded, similar efforts
were rewarded with little success.