lense of cholera in different tracts of country, and among different classes of the
population: but the returns received this year are very voluminous, and with
the small establishment at my disposal, considerable delay in compiling the re-
quired abstracts is unavoidable.
306. In conclusion, I beg to record my thanks to Colonel Dennys, to Major
Playfair, to Captain Ward, and Captain Loch, for the assistance rendered me in
my inspection of their several districts, and for the statistics with which they
furnished me.
The Statements and the map drawn out by Colonel Dennys, showing the pre-
valence of cholera in the different parts of the Seonee district, have been par-
ticularly useful. I have also to thank Mr. Oldham, the Superintendent of the
Geological Survey of India, for the geological sketch maps that he was good
enough to forward to me ; they have been of the greatest possible assistance to
me in my investigations, and have enabled me to show in the Map that accom-
panies this report the relative prevalence of cholera in the different geological
To Dr. Trimnell, Dr. Rice, and Dr. Barter, I am indebted for the meteoro-
logical observations that have enabled me to show the atmospheric conditions
that prevailed during the rise and decline of the epidemic.
Sanitary Commissioner,
Central Provinces and Berars.