" only been attacked that morning. All his consideration seemed absorbed
" with a pain in his chest. He answered to my questions whether he had
" not other pain, as in his head, his back or limbs, that these were slightly
" painful; but he immediately recurred to his chest, dwelling upon that with a
" look of most painful distress ; and if not questioned about other symptoms,
" it seemed as if he would not have mentioned them. He had besides a very
" slight cough-so light that it might easily have escaped unnoticed-and
" this was accompanied with a discharge of blood from the mouth. The
" following day he was delirious, had a burning skin, with a very quick pulse,
" I searched for, but found no buboes. He died in the course of the succeed-
" ing night, i.e., in less than forty-eight hours from the first attack. The
" characteristic symptoms of this variety are, slight cough, pain of the chest,
'' and haemorrhage from the mouth, attended with fever, but no buboes."
Mild Bubonic
Dr. White also observed a " mild bubonic type," which he describes as
follows : -
" I saw," he states, " a great number who had buboes without any fever,
"and was told that upwards of one hundred and twenty had suffered in this
" way. These people walked about without either alarm or inconvenience, for
"none had died, and not many of the buboes suppurated."
Quain also records a similar form * :-
" In 1677 an outbreak occurred at Resht, the capital of the province of
" Ghilan, Persia, and in the surrounding district. Ghilan lies at the south-west
" angle of the Caspian Sea. The same year cases of a fatal bubonic febrile
" malady occurred in the District of Baku on the Caspian shore of Trans-
" Caucasia : and an outbreak of a non-fatal bubonic affection took place in
" Astrakhan and its vicinage, since recognised as a form of plague.'
It is interesting to note that the same form occurred, in Cutch last year,
and is thus described by the Political Agent, Major Hyde Cates :-
" During the last three months of the year under report (i.e., March, April,
"and May 1899), several cases have occurred in which there has bubo a bubo (gene-
" rally in one of the arm-pits), bub without fever. The person attacked has suffered
''from headache for a day or two, but has not otherwise been inconvenienced.'
The Pali
The second epidemic was the Pali outbreak of 1836-38 ; although a disease
suspiciously akin to plague was discovered by Col. Skinner at Hansi (Punjab)
in 1828-29.
The Pali outbreak occurred in the District of Merwara, between the State of
Jodhpore on the north; and the State of Udaipur on the south. Breaking out in
July 1836 at Pali, a large town in Marwar, where it destroyed some 4,000 people,
* Quain's Dict. of Med., Art. "Plague."
Cutch Political Agent's Report No. 339 of 24th July 1899.