244 [CHAP. VIII.
Robertson, I. M. S., arrived, followed by Lieutenant Garrett, I. S. C., who, however, had to
return to military duty within a week. About this time also a Non-Commissioned Officer
and six sepoys of the 2nd Bombay Grenadiers arrived; the staff was otherwise increased, and
three European Inspectors were available. The Plague Hospital was extended; contacts
segregated in camps; house-to-house search instituted; infected houses systematically
disinfected; and the disposal of corpses without certificates of death prohibited. But the
people were terrified: and a wild exodus from the town began, which was ultimately
responsible for an outbreak in the villages, as severe as that in the town. The flight of
the people, however, accelerated the subsidence of plague in the town itself. In the first
week of October there had been 41 cases-30 deaths; in the last week there were but
7 cases-7 deaths. The largest number of cases in one day was 57 on the 24th August,
and of deaths 40 on the 30th August. The total numbers of cases and deaths during
October, November and December 1897 were as follows:-
October 1897
November "
December "
Population 13,209.
Plague now ceased in Kard Town, and, a few dropping cases excepted, did not re-appear
for nearly a year; and then only in a mild form.
Stra District.
The flight of the people from the Town of Kard, and its effect on the spread of the
plague, have been noticed above. There was indeed an
Observation Camp at Kard, and residents were not allowed
to leave the town until the area within 50 yards of their houses had been free for a period