Form of certificate referred to in rule 2 (2).
Certified that the plague microbes (or cultures) which I wish to send
to by the vessel which is timed to sail
from the port of on the are addressed
to the Scientific Laboratory at and are intended for
scientific purposes at that Laboratory or other recognised Scientific
Laboratories. Certified also that the microbes (or cultures) are secured
in tin(s) of adequate strength, hermetically sealed, and
The 1899.
(G.O., No. 421, Marine, dated 13th May 1899; No. 926, Marine, dated 5th October 1899.)
B.-Notification of the Government of India, Home Department,
(Sanitary-Plague), dated Simla, 15th September 1899,
No. 2653.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the
Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 (III of 1897), the Governor-
General in Council is pleased to make the following regula-
tions to be observed by persons sending or taking from place
to place in India cultures or other articles known or believed
to contain the living germs of plague:-
1. No person who is not a Commissioned Medical Officer,
a Military Assistant Surgeon, or a medical practitioner in
possession of a qualification not lower than that of L.M.S. of
the University of Calcutta, Madras or Bombay, shall, without
the special permission of the Governor-General in Council or
a Local Government, take in his private possession from one
place to another any culture or other article which he knows
or believes to contain the living germ of plague.
2. No such culture or other article as aforesaid shall be
sent from one place to another,-
(a) unless it is securely packed in a hermetically
closed tin of adequate strength, placed in a
strong outer box of wood or tin with a layer
of at least three-quarters of an inch of raw
cotton-wool between the inner and the outer
case, the outer case being enclosed in stout cloth,
securely fastened and sealed, and labelled with
such distinguishing inscription as will suffice to
make immediately manifest the nature of the