12. At or near the railway station of Perambr any Medical
officer appointed either generally or specially by the President
of the municipality in this behalf may detain any train and
may require any person travelling therein to alight and sub-
mit himself to medical examination as the Medical officer may
direct, and may for this purpose, with the assistance if neces-
sary of the police, using such reasonable force as may be
required, detain such passenger either on the railway pre-
mises or in some other suitable place which the President shall,
if necessary, provide at the expense of the Municipal fund;
and if the said person is found to be suffering from or is sus-
pected to be suffering from the bubonic plague, or to have so
lately suffered from the plague as to be in an infectious state,
or likely from recent contact with plague cases to have been
infected or to be in an infectious state, the Medical officer
may deal with him under Regulation 11.
Any such Medical officer or other officer generally or specially
appointed by the President in this behalf may also demand of
any person so travelling his name, his usual abode and parti-
culars of the places in which he has resided or which he has
visited during the preceding fifteen days, and also the address
to which he is about to proceed and any other particulars which
the Medical or other officer may think fit in view of satisfying
himself as to the likelihood of the said person's spreading the
infection of the plague. A person so interrogated shall be
bound to answer truly to the best of his knowledge and belief
all such questions and inquiries.
If any such person is found to have within the preceding
ten days been within a part of India believed by such Medical
or other officer to be infected by the plague, and is unable to
satisfy such officer that he is proceeding to any fixed place of
residence, such officer may remove him or cause him to be
removed to a place provided under Regulation 8, and may there
cause him to be detained for ten days when, if he is certified
free from the infection of the plague, he shall be permitted to
depart therefrom.
13. Any person disobeying or contravening or refusing to
submit himself to any Regulation made under the Epidemic
Diseases Act, 1897, or obstructing any measure which has been
taken by Government, or which any authority, or officer
appointed under competent authority to carry out such Regula-
tion, has been required or empowered to take under any such
Regulation, shall be deemed to have committed an offence pun-
ishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code and shall
be liable on conviction to imprisonment of either description