(3) When a person dies of the plague elsewhere than
within the limits of a hospital, no one shall touch the corpse
except those who undertake the necessary duties of preparing
it for the funeral. Such persons shall disinfect themselves
according to the orders which may be issued by the President
of the Municipal Commission in this behalf.
17. A canal boat shall be subject to all the Regulations
applicable to buildings; and passengers by a canal boat shall
be subject to interrogation, inspection and detention in the
same manner as passengers by railway.
In order to prevent the spread of the infection of the
plague either by or to a canal boat, the President of the
Municipal Commission or any officer generally or specially
empowered by him in this behalf may require such boat to alter
its moorings or to stop during its passage and moor in such
position as such officer may indicate, or direct that it desist
from plying until such time as may be stated in a notice
placed on a conspicuous position of the boat.
18. The President of the Municipal Commission may, in
order to prevent the spread of the infection of the plague,
prescribe that no dhobies shall wash clothes except at such
places and at such times and under such conditions as may be
* 19. (1) In the absence of a written contract to the contrary,
every maistri, peon, watchman, cooly, or scavenger employed
by the President, Municipal Commission, to do duty in
connection with plague or general sanitation, shall be entitled
to one month's notice before discharge, or to one month's
wages in lieu thereof, unless he is discharged for misconduct,
or was engaged for a specified term and discharged at the end
of it.
(2) No such maistri, peon, watchman, cooly or sca-
venger in the absence of a written contract authorizing him
so to do, and without reasonable cause, shall resign his
employment or absent himself from his duties without giving
one month's notice to the President or neglect, or refuse to
perform his duties or any of them.
20. When, in the exercise of the powers conferred by or
under these rules, a pass or certificate is granted to any person
* As revised by G.O., No. 604-P., dated 26th April 1899; Notification No. 389,
published in the Fort St. George Gazette, dated 2nd May 1899, Part I-A., page 179.