present himself. On the expiry of ten days the passport-
holder shall deliver up his passport to the inspecting officer
for transmission to the President, Municipal Commission,
Madras. In case he has to leave Madras City within the
aforesaid period of ten days, he shall forthwith give intima-
tion to the inspecting officer, who shall report the fact
to the local authority * of the new place of residence, and
enter in the passport the name of the officer before whom
the passenger must present himself at the new place of resi-
dence, and the passenger shall be bound to present himself
Provided that, when it appears desirable, the President,
Municipal Commission, Madras, or the Health Officer may,
by endorsement on the passport, exempt any person from
personal attendance and permit him to be inspected at his
In the case of minors and incapacitated persons, the
obligation to take out passports for them, to present them for
daily inspection, to report truly their names and addresses, to
intimate any changes in their residence, and to comply other-
wise with the requirements of this Regulation shall vest in
their legal guardians or persons in whose charge they travel
or who receive them at the railway station of destination.
The passport shall, in the case of those arriving by the
Madras Railway, be issued at Perambr, and in the case of
those arriving by sea at the harbour. It shall be in the
following form:-
(To be issued to a person arriving from a plague-infected locality, or
any notified area, under Regulation 22 under the Epidemic Diseases
Act, published in the Fort St. George Gazette, Part I-A, dated
April 11, 1899, page 137, as amended by Notification No. 563,
Fort St. George Gazette, dated July 4, 1899, Part I-A, page 254.)
1. Passport No.
2. Station of issue.
3. Date of arrival.
4. Name of person.
5. Father's name.
6. Caste.
7. Age.
8. Whence coming.
9. Destination and residence during the next ten days (give Circle,
Street and Number or Name of the owner of the house).
* Vide Mufassal Regulation 17 (i), published in the Fort St. George Gazette, dated
11th April 1899, Part I-A, page 139.