(7) Destination and residence during } Village.
the next ten days. Street.
Number or name of the
owner of the house.
17-ix. In the case of other persons coming from an infected
or notified area, the duty of recording the above information
and communicating it to the District Medical and Sanitary
officer shall devolve on the officer issuing the passport.
17-x. The District Medical and Sanitary officer shall for-
ward the report referred to in Regulation 17-viii and ix to the
Tahsildar concerned, whose duty it shall be to see that the per-
sons therein mentioned are duly observed, and that any case of
sickness or death in the houses occupied by them is promptly
reported, and to bring to the Collector's notice all instances
of omission to issue passports or attempts to evade this
17-xi. Whenever the deaths reported from any village are
found to be more frequent than usual, or when any case of
fever with glandular swellings is reported, the Tahsildar with
the nearest Medical officer shall at once proceed to the village
and make inquiries with a view to ascertain whether plague
exists in the village.
17-xii. In municipalities, the Tahsildar's duties under this
Regulation shall be performed by the Municipal Chairman.
The term "Tahsildar" includes Deputy Tahsildar.
17-xiii. In the case of minors and incapacitated persons,
the obligation to take out passports for them, to present them
for daily inspection, to report truly their names and addresses,
to intimate any change in their residence, and to comply other-
wise with the requirements of this Regulation shall vest in
their legal guardians or persons in whose charge they travel
or who receive them at the railway station of destination.
18. If a passenger from any railway station referred to in
the last preceding Regulation appears to be attempting to evade
inspection at an inspection station by alighting at a station
short of that for which his ticket has been taken, the Station-
master or railway official in charge shall insist on his continuing
his journey as far as the inspection station, either by the same
or the next following train, and may, with the assistance of the
police, take all such steps as may be necessary to compel him to
do so.
19. Any such passenger alighting at a railway station short
of an inspection station, who from his being unable to show any