(5) "Port Health officer" includes any duly qualified
medical practitioner appointed by a Sanitary authority or by
the Local Government to act in the execution of these Regu-
(6) "Observation" means segregation either on
board a vessel, or in an isolation camp or place.
(7) "Surveillance" means that the persons subjected
to it will not be isolated; they will at once obtain free pra-
tique, but will be kept under medical supervision.
2. (1) " Infected " used with reference to a vessel denotes
any vessel with plague on board, or on board which one or
more cases have taken place within twelve days.
(2) "Suspected" used with reference to a vessel
denotes any vessel on board which there has been a case of
plague at the time of departure, or during the voyage, but on
which no fresh case has occurred for twelve days.
(3) "Healthy" used with reference to a vessel
denotes any vessel which has come from, or which during the
voyage has touched at, an infected port, but which has had no
death, or case of plague on board, either before departure,
during the voyage, or on arrival.
3. The master of every "infected," "suspected," or
Regulations. "healthy" vessel shall, when within
three miles of the coast of any part of
the Madras Presidency, cause to be hoisted at the foremast
head the Commercial Code flag Q being a yellow flag, and
shall keep the same displayed during the whole time
between sunrise and sunset. If any person on board such
vessel be at the time suffering or suspected to be suffer-
ing from the plague, the master shall also hoist the Commer-
cial Code flag R below the yellow flag Q. Any such vessel
arriving at a port after dark shall hoist on coming to an
anchor one white light at the foremast head and one red light
at the mainmast head.
4. The master of any such vessel shall before arriving
at an anchorage pump out the bilge water, if possible after
disinfection, and pass fresh sea water over the parts that have
been in contact with the bilge water. The bilge water shall
not be discharged within port limits.
* No tindal or other person in charge of, or navigating,
any registered boat shall attempt to make such boat fast to,
or shall take it alongside of, a vessel in quarantine or
* Added by G.O., No. 410, Marine, dated 23rd May 1898; Notification No. 57,
Fort St. George Gazette, dated 7th June 1898, Part I, page 514,