moor or anchor her if he has not already done so at the
place fixed for that purpose under Regulation 9 where she
shall remain until the requirements of these Regulations have
been duly fulfilled, and from which she shall not depart
without the written or, where communication with the vessel
is impracticable owing to stress of weather, the signalled
permission of the Port Health officer.
14. No person shall leave any such vessel until the exami-
nation hereinafter prescribed shall have been made.
15. (1) The Port Health officer shall, as soon as possible
after a vessel has been certified as infected, suspected or
healthy, examine every person on board the same.
(2) If any person on board any such vessel is found
to be suffering from plague, or from any illness which the
Port Health officer suspects may prove to be plague, the
Port Health officer shall certify accordingly. Every person
who shall be so certified by him shall, if possible, be imme-
diately disembarked and shall be detained for treatment in a
suitable hospital or ward or isolation camp or other place.
(3) If the vessel is certified to be infected, all persons
on board shall be kept under observation or surveillance, as the
Port Health officer may determine, and shall, if possible, be
disembarked for the purpose.
(4) All persons kept under observation, whether on
shore or on board the vessel, shall be detained for such period
as the Port Health officer shall, in his absolute discretion, pre-
scribe with regard to the sanitary condition of the vessel and
the date of the last case of plague which has occurred among
the crew or passengers, but which shall not exceed ten days
from the date of the occurrence of the last case of plague
which has occurred on board, or which may subsequently occur
among the persons detained in such camp or place as the
Sanitary authority shall have appointed for the purpose of
their detention or on board the vessel, after which they shall,
if certified by the Chief Medical officer on the spot to be free
from the infection of plague, be permitted to proceed to their
(5) If the vessel is certified to be suspected or healthy,
all persons on board who may disembark shall be subjected to
surveillance either at the port or at their destination as the
Sanitary authority may direct, in the case of a suspected vessel
for a period of ten days from the date of the arrival of the
vessel in port, and in the case of a healthy vessel for the period