unless such vessel is again inspected by the Port Health
officer and another bill of health obtained from such officer by
the master or person in charge of such vessel.
10. * No port clearance shall be delivered to any vessel
bound from any such port to any port in Burma or out of
India until the master or person in charge shall produce a bill
of health obtained as aforesaid, provided that the Customs
officer may entrust the port clearance to the Port Health
officer for delivery by him to the master or person in charge
with the bill of health if he determines to give one.
11. Any person disobeying or contravening any of the
foregoing Regulations shall be deemed to have committed an
offence punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal
Code and shall be liable on conviction to be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may
extend to six months or with fine which may extend to one
thousand rupees or with both.
I do hereby certify that I have examined
who is personally known to me (or, whose identity has been proved to,
my satisfaction), a passenger on the ship
not more than twelve hours before the departure of the ship from the
port of , and find him in good health,
except as noted in the margin, and free from any symptoms of bubonic
Official Designation.
Underclothing, bedding, wearing apparel, mattresses, carpets, &c.,
which are contaminated or suspected and other articles to be disinfected
should be exposed for 15 minutes to saturated steam-under pressure,
if possible-at a temperature of not less than 100 C. (212 F.), care
being taken that the steam shall reach all parts of each article to be
* As amended by G.O., No. 278, Marine, dated 16th April 1898; Notification No. 44,
Fort St. George Gazette, dated 26th April 1898, Part I, page 343.
Added by G.O., No. 512, Marine, dated 17th June 1898; Notification No. 71, Fort
St. George Gazette, dated 28th June 1898, Part I, page 602.
Inserted by G.O., No. 702, Marine, dated 18th August 1898; Notification No. 98,
Fort St. George Gazette, dated 30th August 1898, Part I, page 815.