accompanied by a Medical officer or subordinate, and by a
female, either European or native.
14. It is absolutely essential to success that all the mea-
sures mentioned above for the suppression of the disease
should be carried out promptly and effectively. To ensure
this being done all the members of the staff engaged in the
work should have a clear idea of their duties: the opera-
tions will then be conducted in a methodical and systematic
15. The Superintendent should be provided with a suit-
able office situated in his own division, where he should remain
the whole day, except at intervals for meals. The office will
be his head-quarters to which all communications should be
sent, and at which the Supervisors will make their daily
reports. He will exercise a general supervision over all the
operations and will issue orders for the necessary action to be
taken by each section of the gang of coolies.
16. No house vacated on account of plague may be re-
occupied without his sanction, and he may cause a notice to
that effect, to be affixed to each vacated house. He should
place a seal on boxes containing valuable property left in
houses which have been evacuated on account of plague.
Such property may be removed by the owner, but if he
declines to do so, it will remain at his risk.
17. Property of any value belonging to the poorer classes
which it may be considered necessary or advisable to destroy
as being infected should be appraised by two or more respect-
able natives and the value paid to the owner by the Superin-
tendent of the division. Compensation should also be given
without delay to the very poor for the destruction of cloths,
&c., which although they may be of no market value yet
serve a useful purpose to the owners.
18. After a house has been disinfected, the door will be
secured by a padlock, of which the Superintendent will retain
the key or entrance may be barred by any other effectual
19. The stock of disinfectants, padlocks and all surplus
appliances for divisional use will be kept in or near the office.
20. Each Supervisor will keep a list of all residents in each
house in his sub-division. He will inspect all new arrivals,
and will obtain information from them as to their previous
place of residence. He will, in company with the local resi-
dent appointed to assist him, visit all the houses in his sub-
division, and obtain information regarding the health of the