breadth at the eaves. The verandah should project downwards
sufficiently to allow of protection of the open space
25. For every ten patients there should be erected huts for
the accommodation of four superior and four inferior menial
servants. These may be of the same character as for "rela-
tions," but without the verandahs.
26. If nurses are attached, quarters must be provided for
them with a floor area of 12' 12' for each, with bath-room
and cook-room attached. For each hospital assistant, accom-
modation of the same nature must be provided.
27. A cook-room, 12' 6', should be formed for the sick
for the preparation of patients' food. This, as well as those for
the hospital assistants and nurses, should be formed of corrugated
iron so as to prevent the danger of their catching fire. A dead-
house, measuring 20' 10', should be prepared, the side walls
being formed of corrugated iron, if available, or the lower parts
may be of wire-netting. In both cases, if corrugated iron
cannot be procured, stone slabs or any other device may be used
that will diminish in the one case the risk of fire and in the
other, of animals entering.
28. Sheds for females should be separated by reasonable
intervals from those occupied by males.
29. The general disposition of the hospital and of the
buildings attached to it should follow the plan circulated with
G.O., No. 256-P., dated 23rd March 1898.
30. If "urgent hutting" or other method of isolation is
used pending the arrival of the Ambulance Staff,* the officer in
charge should see that tarred mullays containing disinfectants
for spittoons are used by the patient, and that solid and fluid
excreta are suitably received, that soiled rags are burnt, and that
special arrangements are made for the bringing of water to the
patient, without the employment of any person likely to have
been in contact with plague matter. On the arrival of the
Ambulance Staff, all requisites for hospital equipment as per
list on pages 128-133, except bazaar products, will be brought
by it.
31. The object of this camp is to afford shelter to persons
who, it is suspected, may be undergoing incubation of plague
* Vide Regulations 9 and 21 of the Regulations printed on pages 41 to 56.