4. When a large body of troops or police or coolies en-
gaged in plague operations are returning to a healthy district,
previous intimation of their departure should be given to the
local authorities of the place of destination. Before starting,
they should be carefully examined and disinfected, and on
arrival at their destination, they should be given passports
according to the rules.
(G.O., No. 835-P., dated 2nd June 1899.)
5. Persons who pass to and fro between an infected and
a healthy district should be kept under surveillance, but a
passport need not be issued to them more than once during
each period of ten days.
(G.O., No. 1080-P., dated 15th September 1898.)
6. Passport-issuing officers should not suppose that they
have merely to issue passports to those who come and apply
for them. The main object of declaring persons from infected
parts to be bound to take out passports is to punish cases of
wilful evasion of the rules, and it was never the intention to
relieve the passport-issuing officers of their duty of tracing out
such passengers and not allowing them to go away without
passports. Passengers who fail to take out passports should
be prosecuted at the discretion of the Collector, but whether
prosecuted or not, they must be required to present them-
selves for inspection for ten days as soon as their arrival has
been detected.
(G.O., No. 741-P., dated 2nd August 1898.)
7. Arrangements should be made to have all arrivals at
large towns like Salem, Trichinopoly, Madura not only ex-
amined by a medical subordinate at the railway platform, but
also similarly inspected daily for ten days afterwards. The
Collectors concerned must see that this is done and should not
leave the matter wholly into the hands of Municipal Chairmen.
At stations where medical subordinates are not available for
the duty of watching arrivals, granting them passports and
inspecting them for ten days, the work should be entrusted
to stationmasters or competent persons already in the employ
of Government, and if they are found neglecting their duty,
they should be prosecuted. Collectors are requested to check
their action carefully from time to time.
(G.O., No. 1105-P., dated 17th September 1898.)
8. Passport-issuing officers should note that every person
who holds a ticket marked in the manner indicated in para-
graphs 14 and 16 of section 6 of this Chapter, should be given
a passport. To ensure that none escapes taking a passport,