March 1897. This remark applies only to the import of
articles from the Bombay Presidency and Sind for use in
other parts of India. In reciting the obligation imposed on
the countries which are parties to the Convention to confine
their precautionary measures to goods coming from the
infected local area, it is stated in Chapter II, section iii of
the Regulations, that this obligation only exists on the
express understanding that the Government of the infected
country takes the necessary measures to prevent the export-
ation of susceptible articles derived from the infected area.
In other words a Foreign Government would be at liberty to
decline to receive articles classed as susceptible coming from
a clean port unless measures are taken in India to prevent
the exportation from that port of susceptible articles coming
from the infected area. The orders contained in the Home
Department Notifications of February and March last alluded
to above only partly fulfil this condition since they only refer
to used apparel and bedding, rags, waste paper and used
gunny-bags. All Foreign Governments have not, however,
availed themselves of the option of prohibiting the import of
all the articles classed as susceptible even from Bombay
itself, and the decree of the French Government of the 16th
April 1897, which was published in the Gazette of India of
the 22nd instant under Home Department Notification No.
1545, dated the 21st instant, and is based on the Venice Con-
vention of 1897, only prescribes prohibitory and precaution-
ary measures against goods derived from the infected area.
The decree only forbids the importation into France and
Algeria of rags, animal refuse, claws and hoofs coming
directly or indirectly from the infected local area. Raw and
manufactured wool is admitted after disinfection, and this
restriction is only imposed when the commodity comes directly
from the infected area. Used and new linen, wearing apparel,
personal effects and bedding and raw hides, coming directly
or indirectly from the infected area, are admitted after disin-
fection. The decree further provides that any vessel coming
from an infected area, or having on board any of the articles
coming within the description given above may only enter
certain specified ports. In these circumstances and in view
of the optional nature of this part of the regulations, the
Government of India do not propose at present to issue orders
in addition to the orders of February and March last, with
the view of prohibiting the exportation from clean ports of
articles included in the " susceptible " list and coming from
the Bombay Presidency and Sind. But if the Governments