of ten days from the occurrence of the last case. The disin-
fection and other precautionary measures prescribed by the
Conference should also be complied with.
12. The quarantine rules framed by the Maritime Govern-
ments differ somewhat from one another as regards the
treatment of vessels on which no case of plague has occurred
during the voyage. Their general purport is to the effect
that eight days' quarantine may be imposed at the absolute
or limited discretion of the Health officer unless pratique has
been granted at Colombo or some other intermediate port.
(a) The maximum period of detention of a vessel on
which the Health officer is satisfied that no case of plague
has occurred should be ten days from the date of departure
from the infected port. If the Health officer is not satisfied
that there has really been no case on board or if ten days have
not elapsed since the date of departure from the infected port,
the vessel may be detained, at his discretion, up to this
period. In any case in which a vessel is given free pratique
less than ten days after her departure from the infected port,
the Health officer should be empowered, on the analogy of
the rules for the observation of persons travelling by railway
which have been framed by several of the Local Governments,
to detain under observation in a suitable place of segregation,
up to a maximum of ten days from the date of the departure
of the vessel, any person landed from the ship whom he may
consider to be in any way likely to carry infection. Any
articles of clothing or other effects belonging to the persons
detained or to other persons which by reason of their dirty
condition or otherwise may be considered likely to be conta-
minated, should be disinfected. Discretion may be given to
the Health officer to apply the other provisions regarding
disinfection, &c., prescribed by the Convention in the case of
suspected ships. The Local Government may also make such
arrangements as are possible for the surveillance of persons
who are not detained, on arrival at their destination. Free
pratique granted at Colombo or other intermediate port
should be recognized.
(b) I am to request that, with the permission of the Gov-
ernor in Council, the quarantine rules in force in the Madras
Presidency may be modified in accordance with the above
remarks, and that a copy of the revised rules may be for-
warded to this Department for insertion in the Government
of India Gazette.
13. The remainder of the Convention does not call for
special comment.