5. The Deputy Adjutant-General, Madras Command, has
requested that copies of all orders passed by the Government,
the Plague Commissioner and the District officers in regard to
the prevention and suppression of plague may be forwarded
to him and to the General Officers Commanding.
(P.O., No. 803, dated 28th November 1898; No. 944, dated 18th December 1898.)
6. The Superintendent, Government Press, should supply
all Collectors with the required number of copies of notifica-
tion of lists of plague-infected areas for circulation with
District Gazettes.
(G.O., No. 1392.P., dated 20th September 1890.)
( )-Plague Regulations.
1. Copies of all regulations issued by the Government of
Madras under the Epidemic Diseases Act should be furnished
to the Government of India as soon after issue as possible,
and also to all other local Governments and Administrations
as it is desirable that all local Governments and Adminis-
trations should be aware of the measures adopted in other
parts of India, and the experience of one province may be of
assistance to other provinces.
(G.O., No. 238-M., dated 18th February 1897; No. 294 M.,
dated 25th February 1897.)
2. Due notice will be given by Government as soon as it
is considered safe to relax any of the restrictions now imposed
on trade and on the movement of passengers. Until then,
they should be carefully observed.
(G.O., No. 1574-M., dated 9th July 1897.)
3. Collectors and Presidents of District Boards should
exercise prudence and care in working the regulations and
obtain the best medical, sanitary or other advice before taking
(G.O., No. 219-A.M., dated 15th February 1897.)
4. In Cantonments, the Military authorities are imme-
diately responsible for carrying out the plague measures, and
Collectors should delegate to them the necessary powers under
the Plague Regulations.
(P.O., No. 886, dated 9th December 1898; No. 165, dated 19th January 1899.)
5. By Command Order, No. 687, dated 18th November
1898, all ranks in the Madras Command are directed to obey
the Plague Regulations, and any infringement of them is
punishable as a military offence. And the Superintendent
of Pensions has, under instructions from Command Head-
quarters, issued a circular (No. II, dated 14th December
1898) warning all pensioners that any disobedience or wilful