(8)-Plague Expenditure and Accounts.
No expenditure in connection with plague establishments
or for the carrying out of works shall be incurred without
the previous sanction of the Plague Commissioner (when one
has been appointed) or of Government.
2. Plague Commissioner.-The Plague Commissioner * is
authorised to accord such sanction himself subject to budget
provision in the latest quarterly estimate passed by Govern-
ment (save as respects appointments carrying a salary in
excess of Rs. 200 per mensem), reporting the fact immediately
to Government. As regards establishments, this power of
sanction extends only to such establishments as are treated
as direct plague charges; the sanction of Government is
required to all appointments which constitute indirect plague
expenditure, i.e., the cost of which is debitable to the ordinary
service heads.
(G.Os., No. 868, Financial, dated 11th October 1898; No. 1115, Financial, dated 25th
November 1898.)
3. The Plague Commissioner is also empowered to sanc-
tion grants-in-aid for the construction and maintenance of
private plague hospitals and segregation and health camps at
the rates prescribed in G.O., No. 1245-P., dated 5th October
1898, up to a total limit of Rs. 10,000. He shall immediately
report all such expenditure to the Financial Department,
intimating whether provision for the same exists in the most
recent estimates. He shall, in no case, exceed the total limit
of Rs. 10,000 without obtaining the orders of Government.
(G.O., No. 868, Financial, dated 11th October 1898.)
4. The Plague Commissioner has control over all expendi-
ture connected with plague operations, and may call for such
returns and information as regards expenditure as may seem
to him necessary, and all returns from Collectors and other
officers regarding plague expenditure shall be sent to Govern-
ment through him.
(G.O., No. 1122-P., dated 20th September 1898.)
5. Plague Estimates.-All Collectors, the Surgeon-General,
the Inspector-General of Police, the Commissioner of Police
and the Sanitary Commissioner are required to submit quar-
terly estimates of plague expenditure. These estimates
should be forwarded direct to the Financial Department
* The appointment of the Plague Commissioner requires the previous sanction of
the Government of India. (G.O., No. 977-P., dated 22nd June 1899.)
Duplicate copies are not required,