212 Measures in the Bombay Presidency and Sind. [CHAP. VIII.
particular day. At the close of the operation, when the number of
houses for disinfection was small, this arrangement was not strictly
adhered to, and the fumigation parties were employed in whatever
part of the city there was work for them to do."
Two alternative processes of disinfection were prescribed in the
rules-(a) fumigation, and (b) flushing with a solution of corrosive
sublimate. In practice the second process was found to be the best
and was generally adopted. In all 1,918 houses were disinfected.
Cleansing and
After the disinfection of the houses came the limewashing and
cleansing operations and the destruction of rubbish. This work was
performed by separate "limewashing parties." During the height
of the epidemic there were three limewashing divisions, each
consisting of thirteen parties.
Method of
"The limewashing divisions usually worked in the portion of the
town in which the search and fumigation divisions had worked on the
previous day. Officers commanding limewashing divisions were
furnished daily with lists of houses for limewashing. All houses
which had been disinfected, either by the military fumigation divisions
or by the Municipal staff, were included in these lists. Houses, which
though not infected were found to be in a filthy state, were also
"It was found at the beginning of the operations that rather too
many articles were at times destroyed as rubbish. Orders were
accordingly issued on March 26th to officers commanding lime-
washing divisions to visit, if possible, all houses to be limewashed and
to decide what should be destroyed in each. Where a house was
limewashed, any property of value which it contained was usually
handed over to the neighbours for safe custody. When this could
not be arranged, which seldom happened, all valuables were sent to
the Plague Committee's warehouse, where they were kept till claimed
by the owners."
Work done by
the Municipality.
From March 15th to May 19th, 3,068 houses were limewashed.
Co-ordinately with the work of the military parties European
inspectors were employed by the Municipality under Surgeon-Captain
Lloyd Jones to superintend the disinfection of houses where cases of
plague were discovered by the Municipal establishments, and the open-
ing up of houses which were badly ventilated or lighted.
In a letter dated the 14th May, the late Mr. Rand gave the following
description of the arrangements made for the destruction of property