Central India- contd. PAGE
Principal railway inspection stations in - 312
Railway traffic. Rules for the inspection of the, 328
Central Provinces -
Corpses, disposal of. Rule for the, 260
Plague regulations. General, prescribed by the Chief Commissioner 250
Principal railway inspection stations in the - 312
Railway passengers. Early arrangement in the - for the examination of, 304
Railway traffic. Rules for the
inspection of, issued by the Chief
Commissioner of the - 328
Railway travellers from infected
areas. Rules for the surveillance of, 331
Segregation rules in the 256
Ceylon -
Arrivals from India. Precautionary
measures against, 414
Merchandise. Orders restricting
the importation of, from India 425
Quarantine. Imposition of, by the
Government of - against arrivals
from the west coast of India 367
Tuticorin. Rules and arrangements at, for the protection of - 367
Bombay Plague. Possibility that
the, was imported from - 110
Kashmir-Kashgar route into - .
Medical examination of travellers
on the, 352
Plague. Outbreaks of, in - 68
Regulations, restrictive. No information received as to imposition
at Hongkong and the Treaty
Ports of - of any, against India . 425
Nurses in Bombay. - remuneration, and duties of, 170
Plague. - of the forms of, 7
Preventive measures of - 127
Ships, Three-fold - of, according
to the Venice Sanitary Convention 406
Cleghorn, Surgeon-Major-General -
Bombay. Visit to, of - 138
Evacuation. Advice with regard
to, given by - 139
Karachi. Visit to, of - 226
Venice Sanitary Conference. -
the delegate from India at the, 368
Climate- PAGE
Influence of - and other natural
conditions on plague . 52
Bombay Presidency and Sind.
Rules for the disinfection of - ,
etc in the, 188
Health Camps. Disinfection of -
and bedding before removal to, 236
Provinces outside the Bombay Presidency. Rules for the disinfection of - , etc., in, 258
Railway travellers. Disinfection
of the - and baggage of, 334
Used - and bedding. Prohibition
of the importation of, from the
Bombay Presidency 389
Used - and bedding. Treatment
prescribed for, in the Venice
Convention 390
Commerce -
Foreign countries. Restrictive regulations regarding articles
of - from India imposed in, 416
Infection. Degree of danger of,
from articles of - 49
Committee -
Plague Research - . Formation of
the, at Bombay 138
Committee(s), Plague-
Bombay. Account of the operations of the - in, 150
Bombay. Appointment of the, - . 145
Bombay Presidency and Sind.
Appointment of - in the, 190
Hyderabad (Sind). Appointment
of a - in, 231
Karachi. Appointment of a - in, 229
Poona. Operations of the - in, 198
Regulations for - in the Bombay
Presidency 191
Sukkur and Rohri. Appointment
of a - in, 234
Compensation -
Bengal. Rule for the payment of
- in, 259
Bombay plague regulations. Provision made in the, for the payment
of - for loss of property 143
Bombay Presidency and Sind.
Rule for the payment of - in
the, 190
North-Western Provinces and
Oudh. Rule for the payment of
- in the, 259