Houses - contd. PAGE
Corrosive sublimate. Use of a
solution of, for the disinfection
of- 239
Disinfection of - in Bombay
Method of, 172
Disinfection of - . Practical rules
for the, 245
Evacuation of infected - . (See Eva-
Infected and insanitary buildings
in Bombay. Treatment of 172
North- Western Provinces, Bengal
and the Punjab. Regulations of
the Governments of the, for the
disinfection or destruction of
infected - 257
Poona. Cleansing and disinfection
of infected - in, 211
Sanitary measures in Bombay :
treatment of - reported to be
insanitary 174
House-to-house visitation -
Bombay. Description of the method
of - for the detection of cases
of plague in the city of, 158
Poona. Description of the method
of - for the detection of cases of
plague in, 202
Rule for - in the Bombay Presi-
dency 184
Hutcheson, Dr.-
Garhwal and Kumaun. Descrip-
tion by - of the insanitary con-
dition of, 41
Mahamari. Note on, by - 90
Hyderabad -
Plague hospitals and medical staff
on the railways in - 328
Plague regulations. General, pre-
scribed by the Resident at - 250
Railway traffic. Rules for the in-
spection of, issued by the Re-
sident at - 328
Wadi. Principal inspection station
at, in 313
Hyderabad (Sind) -
- Plague Committee 231
Plague in the city and district of - 123
Plague in the city and district of -
Measures to combat the, 230
Incubation -
Plague. Period of - of, 19
India - PAGE
African countries. Regulations in,
against arrivals from - 415
American countries. Regulations
in, against arrivals from - 416
Asiatic countries. Regulations in,
against arrivals from - 413
Australian colonies. Regulations
in the, against arrivals from - 416
European countries. Regulations
in, against arrivals from - 406
Hides and Skins. Regulations in
France, Germany and Italy, re-
garding the importation" of,
from - 419
Pestilence Notices of, in early
Indian History 71
Plague. History of, in - 71
Plague. Outbreaks of, in - 68
Regulations against arrivals from
- enforced in other countries 405
Regulations against merchandise
from - enforced in other countries 416
Suez Canal. Passage of the, by
vessels from - 406
Wool. Measures as to the import-
ation into England and France
of, from - 421
Indian Export Trade -
Africa. Statistics of - to, in
1895-96 426
Asia. Statistics of the - to, in
1895-96 425
Europe. Statistics of the - to, in
1895-96 422
Staples of the - 417
Susceptible articles of the - 417
Infected conveyances -
Punjab Government rules for the
treatment of - 260
Infected houses -
(See Houses.)
Infected localities -
Bombay Government rules to con-
trol egress from - 296
Bombay. Protection of uninfected
against - in, 315
Evacuation of - . (See Evacuation.)
Infected ship(s) -
Aden. Treatment of - at, 374
Belgium. Rules for - in, 411
Bengal, Rules relating to - in, 376
Dilwara. Passage of the Suez
Canal by the - , 407
Egypt. Rules relating to - in, 415
France. Treatment of - in, 409