Infected ship(s)- contd. PAGE
Italy. Rules for - in, 410
Madras. Rules relating to - in, 371
Persian Gulf. Treatment of - in
countries round the, 413
Sick and healthy not to be detained
on board - 372
Suez Canal. Passage in quarantine
of- 408
Turkish Empire. - repulsed from
ports in the, 413
Venice Convention. Instructions
of the Government of India for
the treatment of - in accordance
with the, 372
Venice Convention. Treatment pre-
scribed for - in the, 371
Infection -
Bombay Presidency. Measures
adopted in the, to prevent the
spread of - by road and river 341
Conditions which foster and
destroy - 435
Danger of - . Comparative, from
the different types of plague 21
Dancer of - . The patient and his
surroundings the greatest source
of, 25
Direct inoculation. Dr. Bitter's
observations regarding - by, 33
Direct inoculation. Wyssokowitz
and Zabolotny's conclusions as to
by, 35
Excreta of patients a dangerous
source of - 389
Food-stuffs. Degree of danger of
- from, 49
Grain and other food-stuffs a pos-
sible source of - 393
Healthy conditions destroy the
virulence of - 43
Infected localities. - fostered by
detaining people in, 297
Intestinal tract. - through the, 34
Khandraoni. Manner in which -
was carried to, 47
Land. Measures to prevent the
spread of - by, 291
Lungs. - through the, 34
Mahableshwar. Arrangements to
protect, from - 342
Merchandise. Degree of danger of
- from, 50
Minor sources of - 51
Pali plague. - carried by fugitives 47
Plague commonly spread by in-
fected persons 47
Plague. Non-infectious character
of, in hospitals 44
Precautions against - in hospitals
in Bombay 166
Infection - contd. PAGE
Punjab frontier. Measures to pre-
vent the spread of - from Sind
across the, 346
Rats and monkeys. Danger of -
being spread by, 49
Road and river. Measures adopted
in the Bombay Presidency to
prevent the spread of - by, 341
Sea. Measures to prevent the
spread of - by, 353
Skin. - through the, 32
Skin. - through the : Experi-
ments by the Russian Commission
regarding, 35
Skin. - through the: Remarks
by Dr. Wilkins regarding, 36
Tonsils. - through the, 33
Virulence of - destroyed by healthy
conditions 43
Water a possible source of - 51
Curative serum. M. Haffkine's
experiments on - with, 56
Curative serum. M. Yersin's ex-
periments on - with, 56
Curative serum. Remarks on the
system of - with, by : -
General Gatacre 57
Dr. Bitter 58
The German Plague Commission 57
The Russian Plague Commission 58
Daman. Favourable remarks on
preventive - in, by the German
Plague Commission 63
Infection by direct - . Dr. Bitter's
observations regarding, 33
Infection by direct - . Wyssokowitz
and Zabolotny's conclusions as
to, 35
Monkeys. Experiments regarding
preventive - on, conducted by
the Russian Commission 63
Preventive - .M. Haffkine's
system of, 59
Preventive - . Remarks by Drs.
Rogers and Bitter regarding, 63
Inspection -
Baluchistan. Arrangement made
in, to prevent the evasion of - by
railway passengers 329
Baluchistan. Orders for the - of
railway passengers from Sind 310
Bengal. Arrangements in, for the
- of railway passengers 304
Bengal. Principal - stations in, 312
Bengal. Rule in, to prevent the
evasion of - by railway passen-
gers 329