Sanitary measures - contd. PAGE
Calcutta. Improvement in the
sanitary condition of, 264
Hardwar. - at, 272
Houses in Bombay reported to be
insanitary. Treatment of, 174
Karachi. - at, 227
Khandraoni. - at, 287
Localities in Bombay. Cleansing
and disinfection of entire, 176
Mandvi. Proposed - for the im-
provement of, 223
Municipalities near Calcutta. -
adopted in, 266
North- Western Provinces. - in the, 267
Poona. - at, 214
Refuse. Disposal of the city, in
Bombay 182
Regulations for general - framed
by Local Governments 262
" U. H. H." system in Bombay 175
Satara District -
Plague in - 118
Recrudescence of plague in - 125
Scheube -
Course of plague epidemics. Re-
marks by - on the, 54
Diagnosis. Remarks by - on the
difficulties of, 16
Infection. Opinion of - as to pos-
sibility of, by the air or touch 30
Plague. Period of incubation of,
according to - 19
Search Parties -
Bombay. Method of work of - in, 158
Females. - in Bombay accom-
panied by, 159
Females. - in Poona accompanied
by, 203
Justices of the Peace. Assistance
given by, to - in Bombay 157
Karachi. Military - in, 230
Native gentlemen. - in Poona
accompanied by, 203
Poona. Mr. Rand's remarks as to
the difficulties in the way of -
in 203
Poona. Method of work of - in, 202
Segregation -
- a principal measure for the sup-
pression of plague 128
Bengal. - rules in : home segrega-
tion not allowed 254
Bengal. Rule for the - of persons
likely to be infected in, 257
Bombay. Arrangements for the
- of the sick in, 160
Segregation - contd. PAGE
Bombay. - of persons in, likely to
be infected 172
Bombay. Opposition to the - of
the sick in, 136
Bombay, opposition to the - of the
sick in. Manner in which the,
was overcome 146
Bombay Presidency. - of suspi-
cious travellers in the, 295
Bombay Presidency and Sind. Rule
for the - of the sick and of
persons likely to be infected 187
Calcutta. Arrangements for - in, 256
Central Provinces. - rule in the, 256
Daman frontier. - camp on the, 299
Hardwar. Home - not allowed in, 254
Hard war. - arrangements at, 269
Health camps. - in, 236
Kankhal. - arrangements at, 278
Karachi. Opposition to the - of
the sick in, 224
Khandraoni. - arrangements at, 284
Madras. - rules in, 256
North-Western Provinces and
Oudh. Rule for the - of per-
sons likely to be infected in the, 257
North-Western Provinces and
Oudh. - rule in the, : home
segregation allowed 253
Poona. - camps in, 208
Poona. - of healthy inmates of in
fected houses 208
Punjab. - rule in the, 256
Suspicious travellers. - of, 293
Wilkins, Surgeon-Lieutenant-Col-
onel. Remarks on - in Mandvi
by, 220
Serum -
Curative treatment. System of, by
the sub-cutaneous injection of
therapeutic - 56
Preventive treatment. System of,
by inoculation with prophylactic
- 59
Sewage and Conservancy -
Calcutta. Defective - arrange-
ments in, 263
Calcutta. Improvement of the -
arrangements in, 265
Poona. Improved - arrange-
ments of the city of, 214
Mortality from plague. General
excess of, shown by the female - 15
Plague. Males attacked by, in
greater proportion than females . 20