Shikarpur District- PAGE
Evacuation. Salutary effect of, in
villages in the - 235
Outbreak of plague in the towns of
Sukkur and Rohri and in several
villages in the - 124
Sukkur and Rohri. Measures
adopted at, 232
Villages in the - . Measures adop-
ted in, 235
Sholapur District-
Plague in - during the recrudescence 126
Vessels from Bombay. Inspection
at Pakanam of, before being per-
mitted to proceed to Bangkok 415
Importation of raw - from India
No restrictive orders issued in
France, Italy, or the United
Kingdom as to the, 421
Emigration. Prohibition of, from
the Bombay Presidency and - 387
Frontier. Protection of the Punjab, 346
Grain. Precautionary measures as
to exportation of, from - 392
Health camps in - . Mr. Wingate's
account of, 236
Plague Epidemic in - in 1816 74
Pilgrimage, Suspension of the, in
the case of residents of the Bom-
bay Presidency and - 429
Plague operations in - . Account of
the, 223
Plague. Outbreaks of, in -
Account of the, 121
Railway inspection stations. The
principal, in - 314
Railway passengers from - . Pre-
cautions in the Punjab with
reference to, 309
Railway passengers from - . The
principal inspection stations for
the examination of, 314
Railway passengers. Rules for the
examination of, in - 317
Railway passengers. Arrange-
ment in - for the inspection of, 308
Railway passengers. Arrange-
ments made in - to prevent the
evasion of inspection by, 328
Special Plague Committees. Ap-
pointment of, in -, 190
Susceptible articles. Orders prohi-
biting the export of, from the
Bombay Presidency and - 389
Singhast Mela - PAGE
Arrangements to guard against
plague made at the - at Ujjain
in Gwalior 347
Merchandise. Restrictions in - on
the importation of, from India 424
Quarantine imposed against all
arrivals from India 412
Medical and Military - employed
in plague operations 395
(See also Medical Stan and Military
General - of plague in the Bombay
Presidency and Sind 105
Sub-division -
Administrative plague districts in
the City of Bombay. System of
of the, 148
Plague Staff and Equipment of a -
of Bombay City 150
Suez Canal-
Dilwara. Passage of the - by the
infected ship, 407
Passage of the - by vessels from
India 406
Quarantine. Healthy vessels from
India pass the - in, 408
Venice Convention, Regulations
of the, for the passage of vessels
through the - 407
Cleansing and disinfection at - 234
Concealment of cases in - 232
Danger. Special, of plague in - 232
Evacuation and health camp system
at - 234
Flight from - 233
Health camps. Instances of, at - 238
Nurses at - 234
Plague Epidemic. Account of the, in - 121
Plague Committee appointed for
- and Rohri 234
Plague. Outbreak of, in - 232
Plague operations in - . Difficulties
in carrying out, and opposition to, 232
Plague operations in - . Mr. Win-
gate's account of, 232
Sulphur fumigation-
Disinfection. - unreliable as a
means of, 244