BATTLE OF FALKIRK.

As no Body can form a well-grounded Judgment, without hear-
     ing the Evidence on both Sides, the partial and impartial
     World are desir'd to read the two following Relations, and
     then give Verdict, according to their Consciences.

        From the Caledonian Mercury.                Edinburgh, Jan. 20. 1746.
SAturday Morning came Advice to Town, That his Excellency Lt. General
Hawley came up with the Rebels on Friday the 17th current. And as
the following Account of the Action betwixt his Majesty's Forces and the Re-
bel Army, about a Mile to the Westward of Falkirk, was transmitted to us
this Morning, we are desired to publish it verbatim, viz.
Thursday last the Army, under General Hawley, having assembled near
Falkirk, encamped to the Westward of that Place, and about One o'Clock on
Friday there were repeated Informations of the Intelligence that Morning re-
ceived, that the Rebels were marching by the South-side of the Torwood to-
ward Dunipace. These Accounts being confirmed the Army was immediately
drawn up in Order of Battle, and marched Southward to meet them.
     The Action began Half an Hour after Three. The Dragoons made the
Attack with the Appearance, of great Resolution, but, upon receiving the first
Fire, retired towards the Right, and many of them fled ; this, with a violent
Storm of Wind and Rain, which blowed full in the Face of the Troops, put
the Foot of the Left Wing in great Disorder. This Confusion being immedi-
ately perceived by the Officers on the Right, they, without Loss of Time,
marched to stop the Progress of the Rebels, which they effectually did ; and
by their good Conduct, and the Alertness of some Corpse, drove them by a
continued Fire from the Field with the utmost Precipitation. In the mean
Time the disordered Infantry was rallied. The Rebels gave them nothing to
do. The Right Wing was intire Masters of the Field, where the whole of the
Troops continued till it was near dark, a full Hour after all Firing was ceased; but
finding that the Rain had greatly spoiled their Arms and Ammunition, it was
judged proper to pursue their Advantage no farther ; and for want of Provisi-
ons and Ammunition, the Army marched that Night to Linlithgow, and con-
tinued its March next Day to Edinburgh
     The Loss of the Regular Troops, by the best Computation, does not ex-
ceed 200 ; and by all Accounts the Rebels have at least lost Double that
     The Regiments that most distinguished themselves, were Barrel's and Ligo-
nier's Foot.
     We hear that several of the Officers taken at the Battle of Gladsmuir, and
confined in the House of Glammis, &c. are come to this Town.
     In the same News-paper there is the Elector's Speech from the Throne,
containing the following Passage, viz. The precipitate Flight of the Rebels
from this Part of my Kingdom, before a small Number of my Troops, must

greatly dispirit their Followers.-Now, it is notorious to all England, That
from the Time the Loyal Army under the Prince Regent advanced within
Reach of their unnatural Enemies, These fled with Precipitation from Con-
gleton-Stone, and Newcastle under-line; and continued their precipitate Flight,
breaking down the Bridges behind them, till His Royal Highness thought fit
to return from Derby into Scotland.
     He returned by slower Marches than he advanced, halted a whole Day at
Preston, and another at Lancaster. This indeed gave Time to the Rebels
Cavalry to recover their Spirits, and face about : They accordingly came up
with our Rear at Penrith, but were so well received, that they did not think
proper to disturb us any more, tho' we halted again at Carlisle.
When we came to Scotland, we found Followers, enough to double our
Numbers ; and how far they were dispirited, let those who durst look 'em in
the Face near Falkirk, and had the good Luck to survive it, give an Ac-
count, if they can venture to do it, after the severe Orders published to the
     It is not unnatural to suppose, that these wonderful Narratives dropt from
the same fruitful Imagination, to which we are indebted for the following
Pieces, viz. Father Graham's genuine Letter from Perth ! The young Cheva-
lier's Levee at Edinburgh !
George Kelly's Speech to the French King ! The
Duke of Perth's Harangue in a Council of War at Brampton ! -- cum
multis aliis.                                                                                               A SHORT