310        The Deity of Jeſus Chriſt        Sect. V

is called into queſtion. For what holineſs
can there be in a religion which originated
in impoſture, and is maintained by idola-
try ? If you ſay, God ſpake to Moſes ; it is
anſwered, Not God, but an angel, who put
himſelf in the place of God. If you alledge
the miracles that were performed by Moſes;
I reply, Many and wonderful works were
alſo wrought by Pharoah's magicians: ſo
that little more can be inferred from thence,
than that the ſpirit, of whoſe agency Moſes
was the inſtrument, was more powerful than
he who favoured the magicians. For facts,
however great or wonderful, ought not to be
aſcribed to the immediate agency and mira-
culous interpoſition of God, if inconſiſtent
with holineſs; which is manifeſtly the caſe,
in the Moſaic religion, on the hypotheſis

That the angel, who reveals himſelf to
Moſes, acts inconſiſtently with the glory of
God, ſuppoſing that Angel to be a mere
creature ; will further appear, if the follow-
ing things be conſidered. It is evident from
the Scripture, that God's deſign was, to ex-
alt Jeſus Chriſt above all the angels. For of
him it is written, ' He hath, by inheritance,
' obtained a more excellent name than they
' -To which of the angels ſaid he at any
' time, Sit on my right hand, until I make
' thine enemies thy foot-ſtool ?---Let all the