330        The Deity of Jeſus Chriſt         Sect. VI

phemy againſt the Revelation of God; and
in direct oppoſition to it we ſhould ſay;
Though this propoſition, ' God was made
' man,' appeared much more contrary to
reaſon than it really does; yet we ought to
conclude, that we are under a miſtake, and
that the propoſition expreſſes a wonderful
fact and a capital truth, becauſe it is con-
tained in the Word of JEHOVAH. -Theſe two
declarations compared, it will appear, that
the former is daring and preſumptuous;
as it includes a manifeſt preference of the
powers of our own underſtanding, to the
infallible dictates of inſpiration; which is
directly contrary to the nature of true faith.
But the latter is modeſt, humble, rational,
as it implies a reverence for Divine authori-
ty, and an evident preference of the light
of God's Revelation, to that of our own rea-
ſon, diſpoſitions theſe, which are eſſential
to real faith.

                        CHAP. II.

An Objection from the ſuppoſed Silence of the Scripture,

THAT we may not be ſuſpected of weak-
ening the arguments of our adverſaries,
we ſhall make uſe of their own words, and
if, to avoid prolixity, we contract them a
little, their objections will not be the leſs