EIGHT years are now nearly expired ſince the following al-
     terations and corrections of the Weſtminſter Shorter Ca-
techiſm were, by the Author, firſt preſented to the Public.—
Since that period, it hath pleaſed the Lord, whom he ſerved
with his ſpirit, to remove him from the labours and pains of
this life, into the heavenly kingdom and glory.—Afflicted, from
an early period of life, with an obſtinate and painful diſorder
in his ſtomach and bowels; and engaged in a very extenſive tem-
poral concern, he was, nevertheleſs, by the mercy of God, ena-
bled, for many years before his death, to diſcharge, with much zeal
and ſucceſs, all the duties of a Miniſter of the Goſpel of Chriſt.
-The firſt impreſſion of the following work being all diſpoſed
of, ſoon after its publication ; in compliance with the ſolicitations
of a great number of very reſpectable friends to the cauſe of
truth, and in purſuance of a deſign formed by the Author ſome
time previous to his death, and particularly recommended in
his laſt illneſs, his numerous friends, and the Public at large,
are now preſented with a ſecond impreſſion -That, as the doc-
trines therein aſſerted are ſtill becoming the ſubject of more
general enquiry, every man, if he pleaſes, may have an oppor-
tunity, as far as this ſmall eſſay ſhall go, of ſeeing and judging
for himſelf.—Prove all things, and hold faſt that which is good.
To the law and to the teſtimony ; if they ſpeak not accord-
ing to this word, it is becauſe there is no light in them.-Bind
up the teſtimony, ſeal the law among my diſciples.—Let God
be true, and every man a liar. Thus faith the Lord.

           Kirkcaldy,                                          WILLIAM BELL.
    October 15th, 1794.