Britons Unconquerable !

                        A NEW SONG.


AFRAID of the French! and afraid of Invasion!
Afraid of the men whom on ev'ry occasion
We've beat since our Edward gain'd so much re-
By bringing the King of these Frenchmen to town.


Yes, afraid of the French we will be when the moon
Shines as clear and as bright as the sun does at noon;
When the' stars in their places no longer will stay,
But turn into marbles, and boys with them play:


When the sea becomes dry, and when men may walk
From Dover to Calais, from Calais to Dover;
When hogs leave off grunting, and lawyers agree
To plead for their clients without any fee:


When the brave British Tar from a Frenchman shall
And haul down his flag without firing a gun;
When England's sweet lasses shall cease to have charms,
And no pleasure be tasted within their dear arms:


When Britons no more shall be Lords of the Waves,
And Frenchmen love freedom, and cease to be slaves;
When the Pois'ner of Jaffa in mildness shall sway,
And the dictates of Justice and Mercy obey:


When all these things happen, then England shall fear,
And tremble with dread when these Frenchmen are
Till then, as of old, we will beat them wherever
We meet them—Old England and Freedom for
ever !                           

One Halfpenny each, or 50 for 1s. 6d. or 2s. 6d. per Hundred for distribution,
      Printed for J. GINGER, l69, Piccadilly; where a variety of Patriotic
                                    Hand-Bill's and Songs may be had,
Wheeler, Printer, 57, Wardour Street, Soho.