

       OLD NICK.


On the threatened Invaſion.

   Tune—Vicar and Moſes.


ARM Neighbours at length,
And put forth your ſtrength,
Perfidious bold France to reſiſt;
Ten Frenchmen will fly,
To ſhun a black eye,
If one Engliſhman doubles his fiſt.


But if they feel ſtout,
Why, let them turn out,
With their maws ſtuff'd with frogs, ſoup, and jellies,
Brave Nelson's ſea thunder
Shall ſtrike them with wonder,
And make the frogs leap in their bellies.


Their impudent boaſt
Of invading our coaſt,
Neptune ſwears they had better decline;
For the Rogues may be ſure,
That their frenzy he'll cure,
And he'll pickle them all in his brine.


And when they've been ſoak'd
Long enough to be ſmok'd,
To the regions below they'll be taken;
And there hung up to dry,
Fit to boil or to fry,
When Old Nick wants a raſher of bacon.
                                           A LOYAL SUBJECT.

Printed for J. WALLIS, Ludgate Hill, Price id. or 8d. per Dozen, by J. Crowder and E. Hemſted, Warwick Square.