An Elegy on the Death of His Grace the
         Duke of Wellington,

      Who Died, September 14th, 1852. Aged 83.

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

   "Tune—The Waggon Train"

BRITANNIA is in sorrow weeping,
Sad and pensive all alone ;
That noble brave Commanders sleeping,
Going to the silent tomb,
The glorious deeds of that great soldier
DOES resound from shore to shore,
Victoria wept when England told her,
That great Wellington was no more.

Britannia is in sorrow weeping,
The knell resounds from shore to shore
In deaths cold arms, he he now lays sleeping,
The Duke of Wellington is no more.

On the fourteenth day of September,
Eig hteen hundred and fifty two ;
Death sent a messenger to summons,
The valient Hero of Waterloo,
Him who had made the World to tremble,
W shook all nations to the core
W h o beat and conpuered great Napoleon,
He alas is now no more.

He was brave and v ilient
Over nations he did reign
He often faced both death and danger,
But he will never march again,
Baldly he did fight for glory,
France and Spain, he made to quake,
Many a General flew before him,
Many a King he made to shake.

By him alas the wars were ended,
By him was great Britannia led,
By him was britain long defended
From him has tens of thousands fled,
Britannia has lost a gallnt soldier,
Who always gained a victory,
The noble duke did die at walmer,
Near the age of Eighty-three.

For the loss of that commander.
Numbers do in silence mourn,
He is gone from whence no traveller,
Ever can again return
To the tomd in age and honour,
He has gone and his spirit flew,
While in History shall be recorded
The Hero of great Waterloo.

He was a brave and great commander,
He was a loyal hero too
He showed the world courage and valour,
On the plains of waterloo,
There never was'a general b lder,
Or better skilled in feats of arms,
There never was a braver soldier,
To boldly meet in wars alarms,

So to conclude this painful story,
The noble duke no more will reign,
No more he'll fight for fame and glory,
He will never march again,
Many a gallant british soldier,
With Britians Queen will long deplore
The sorrowful day he has departed,
The Duke of Wellington is no more.

Ryle and Co,. Printers, Monmouth Court,