It was on a fine summer's morning,
When birds sweetly tuned on each bough,
I heard a fair maid sing must charming
As she sat milking her cow,
Her voice was enchanting melodious,
Which left me scarce able to go,
My heart is is soothed in solace,
By Colleen das crutha na Mho.

With courtesy I did salute her,
Good morrow most amiadle maid,
m your captive slave for the future,
Kind sir, do not banter' she said.
'I'm not such a precious rare jewel,
That I should enamour you so,
I am but a plain coutry girl,
Sans Colleen dhas crutha na Mho.

The Indias afford no such jewels,
So precious and transparently faia,
Oh, do not add fuel to my flame,
But coureut for to love me, my dear,
Take pity and great my desire
And leave me to longer in woe,
O love me, or else I'll expire,
Sweet Colleen dhas crutha na Mho.

I dont understand what you mean, sir,
I ne'er was a slave yet in love,
These emotions 1 do not experience
So I pray your affections remove,
To marry I cannot I assure you,
That state I'll not undergo,
So young man I pray you'll excuse me
Says Colleen dhas crutha na Mho.

Or had I the wealth of great Damer,
Or all on the African shore,
Or had I great Devonshire treasure,
Or had I ten thousand times more,
Or had I the lamp of Aladdin
Or had I his genius also,
I'd rather live poor on a mountain
With Colleen dhas crutha na Mho.

beg you'll withdraw and dont tease me,
I cannot consent unto thee,
I like to live single and airy,
Till more of the world I do see,
New cares they would me embarris
Besides, sir, my fortune is low,
Until I get rich I'll not marry,
Says Colleen dhas crutha na Mho

An old maid is like an old almanacs,
Quite useless when once out of date,
If her ware is not sold in the morning,
At noon it must fall to low rate.
The fragrance of May js soon over,
The rose losses Its beauty, you know
All bloom is consumed in October,
Sweet Collen ahas crusha na Mho.

A young maid is like a sihb sailing,
Dont know how long she may steer,
For every blast she's in danger,
So consent, love, and banish each fear,
For riches I care not a farthing,
Your affection I want, and no more,
In wedlock I'd wish to enjoy you,
Sweet Colleen dhas crusha na Mho

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]


      Emigrant's Farewell

Farewell, dear Erin, I now must leave you,
And cross the seas to a foreign clime,
Farewell to mends and to kind realions,
And to my aged parents I left behind.
My heart is breaking all for to leave you,
Wnere I've spent many a happy day,
With lads and lasses and sparkling glasses,
But now I'm bound for America.

Farewell green hills and sweet lovely valleys,
Where with my love I did often rove,
And foudly told her I ne'er would leave her,
Whilst walking thro' each silent grove.
But I must leave you my charming Mary,
Was fortune kind sure at home id stay,
So do not mourn for I'll soon return,
And bring yeu off to America.

Oh, lovely Willy, now do not leave me.
I love you dearly, right well you know
Pray do not stray to a foreign natien,
Or leave m here, love, in grief and woe.
I know right well that the times are change
Which causes thousands to go away,
But if you wait until the next season
We'll both sail over to America.

My love I'm bound for a foreign nation,
If the lord be pleased to bring me o'e,
To seek promotion and look for labour
Since all things failed on the Shamrock shore.
But if you have patience—if fortune favors
To crown my labours, believe what I say,
I will come, love, with gold in store,
And bring you over to America.

Wnen I am roiling apon the ocean,
Sweet Mary dear, you will run in my mind,
So do not mourn for I will return,
If you prove roustant ove, I'll prove kin..
I pray have penance, my charming Mary,
Farewell, adieu now I must away ,
I do intend it, let none prevent it,
To seek adventures in America.

Unknown to parents, friends and relations
My dearest Willy, with you I'll re m,
For I have plenty to bring us over,
As you wont consent, love, to stay at home
He then consented-straightway they went