[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]



Sung by Mr. Matthews in the Mail Coach


Tifts printer Toy and Marble warehou?e

     6 Great st. Andrew Street 7 Dials

I'M Simon bore just come from College,
My studies I've pursned so far, I'm called fer my surprizing knowledge,
The walking Cyclopedia.
Tho' some perhaps may call me quiz
Their jeers I value not a jot
In arts and shape and all that is, I'll tell you aye and all that's not
So you must ail acknowledge, O,
I've made good use of College, O
Whilst I wssthere completely bare
I stript th s ee of knowledge O.
Hay is brought to town in carts,
Ham sandwiches ar'nt made of tin,
They oan't feed cows with apple tarts
Nor wear gilt spurs upon their chias,
bullocks don't wear Opera hate,
Fiddles are not made of cheese
Nor pigeon pies of water rate.
doil'd Salmon does not grow on trees,
Putty is not good to eat,
Frying pans an't made of gauze,
Penny rolls are made of wheat ,
Straw bonnets too are made of straw ,
Horres don t wear Hessian boots,
The Thames it not mock Turtle Soup,
A child can't eat a iron hoop,
Pigs don't play the German flute
Kittens are but little cats,
Mouse traps are not county jails,
Whales are full as large as sprats
They don't stuff geese with copper nails
A german waliz is not an hymn,
The French are mostly born in France. a 'nt afraid to swim,
Turkies seldom learn to dance
Twenty turnips make a score.
Dustmen rarely drink champaign
A cow's tail seldom grows before
They don't make wigs of bamboo cane
Dutchmen sometimes lie in bed ,
A cabbage cannot dance a jig,
Grass does not grow on ladies head,
A bull dog does not wear a wig,
Fifty pounds of yellow soap,
Weighs more than twenty-five of cheese,
Oyster cannot chew a rope,
Poor people have a right to Sneeze,
Pigs don't read the Morning Post,
Watch chains are not Roastingi, acks
They don't make boots of better
Red herrings don't pay powder
So you must all &c.

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

                  OH, YES?

         I o?t Remember thee.

       (An?wer to the Celebrated Song 'Oh no
              We Neve Ment on Her.

OH yes I o?t remember thee,
Amid the ?ilent hour, And leave the gay and fe?tive hall,
For ?ome-?equered bower,
For now the ?plendours of the ?cene,
Is li?le?s mood I view,
And think of former happy days
When they were ?hared with you,

Fond mem'ry traces o'er and o'er,
The pain where we have been,
And lingers on each ?pot where we,
May never meet again, Still greenly flouri?h in my brea?t,
The vallies where we've met,
Aa when beneath the hawthorn tree,
You bade me ne'er forget,

When they who reek not others weal
Shall thus unkindly ?ay,
"Why cling to her when ?he has ca?t,
All thought of thee away,''
Oh heed them not but this believe,
(Thro' every changeful lot )
While ?till your heart remembers me
You ne'es will be forgot;
Follow over mountains.
FOLLOW, follow over mounta Follow follow over ?ea
And I'll guide thee to Love's fountain
If you'll follow follow me.
With the waters of the fountain
Will I ea?e thy aching heart
And the ro?es of the fountain
Shall to thee a balm impart
Follow follow &c.

For Woman's love is dearly bought
If bought with peace of mind
But the tount and not a thought
Or love is left behind.
Follow follow &c

I ll ?an thee with the zephyrs wings
And watch thee night and day
I'll guide thee to love's healing ?pring
So follow and away           
Follow &c.