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     FREE & EASY

I'M the lad that is free and easy,
Where so ever I chance to be,
And I'll do my best to please ye,
If you will but list to me.


So let the world jog along as it will,
I'll be free and easy still,

Some there are who meet their trouble,
Others drown their cares in drink,
But all their trials are but bubbles,
Fretting forges many a link.

I envy neither great nor wealthy,
Poverty I ne'er despise,
Let me live contented healthy,
And the boon I dearly prize.

The rich have cares we little know of,
All that glitters is not gold,
Merit is seldom made a show of,
And true worth is rarely bold.

Why then waste our time in fretting,
The longest lane must have an end,
Industry strives hard in getting
Stores for fools and knaves for men.

I care for all, yet I care for no man,
Those that mean well need not fear,
I like a man but I loves a woman,
What else makes this life so dear.