Jaunting CAR.

I oft have heard of the old man, but now I'm fixt at last,
I wish grim Death had catch'd him before the knot was

ty'd ;
I wish grim Death had Watch'd him & ta'en him at a call
Then I would have got a Young man to roll me from
the WALL.

When I go to fair or market I think the time full Long,
MY heart is always sorry when I see my Poor old man:
MY heart is always sorry and I'll tell You the Reason

His brow is always hanging down, he carries a Jealous


O hold your tongue dear Sally, till I shall go to town,
I  will buy you a Lap-dog, Likewise a muslin Gown ;
I'll buy for You a Lapdog to follow yon when You call,
And of all the Ladies in the laud you will exceed them all.

To the Devil with your Lapdog, Your jaunting car also
I would rather have a Young man with two bright

sparkling EYES ;               
I would rather have a Young man without a penny at all,
Because he'd take me in his arms & roll me from the wall.

The deuce may take my Parents, for they've done me
meikle ill,
They married me to an old man & sore against my will ;
I'd rather have a Young man without a Penny at all,
That would fondly take me in his arms and roll me from

the WALL.

Some of my friends do tell me to drown him in a WELL
And others fain would have me to grind him in a MILL :
But I will take my own way and tie him to a stake,
And if a wizard he should prove some mischief will him

Now my old man is Dead & gone & he has left to me,
Twelve thousand Pounds in money, a handsome Legacy
His houses & his Lands also, to me he's left them ALL,
And I have got a fine young man to roll me from the wall

When the honey moon was over my spouse began to
My tea pots and my china he soon did break them all ;
He kill'd my little Lapdog that follow'd me at my call.
And now I suffer sorely for the rolling from the WALL.

Come all you pretty fair maids a warning take by me,
Whate'er may be Your station of high or Low Degree,—
It's better to be an old man's Pet with servants at your

Than to be any Young man's slave for the ROLLING


TODD AND SON, PRINTERS, (Cheapest Depot in the North
                    of England,)
EASINGWOLD.            ( 34 )