[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

         Cruel Captain.

A Maiden fair in Plymouth did dwell,
As I the truth to you will tell,
An Iriſh captain courted her we ear,
He oft times ſwore e lov'd her dear.

Then Sunday being the fourth of May,
A pleaſuring they went to view the ſea,
All in the boat as you ſhal know,
Alas ! he prov'd her overchrow.

O B tſey now you muſt agree,
And give conſent to lie with me ;
I never will, ſir, whilſt that I've life,
Until I am your wedded wife.

Cloſe in the boat he did her confine,
To make her yield unto his mind,
He raviſh'd her as you ſhall hear,
While this fair maid ſhed many a ſear

No d ou have had your will of me
Convey me ſafe to land ſays ſhe,
No, no, to land you ne'er ſhall go,
For over-board your body I'll throw.

Then on her knees ſhe went ſtraightway,
And begg'd of him her life to ſave.
This villain he made no more to do,
But over-board her body threw.

She in a merchant's place did dwell,
And in her ſervice was lik'd well,
Her miſtreſs ſhe did ſorely grieve,
To know what was become of ſhe.

On Wedneſday after, as you'll underſtand,
The body was found on the ſea land,
Her miſtrels wrung her hands and laid,
Alas ! this is my ſervant maid.

Then ſhe was took to fair Plymouth town,
And in her breaſt a note was found,
Theſe lines they are to let you know,
Twas Captain Fitzs prov'd my overthrow.

Now he has made his own eſc pe,
Tho' on her body did commit a rape,
Then drown'd her after, as you now hear,
And into Ireland he is got clear.