Mister Snout

Pitts, Printer Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6
Great st Andrew street 7 diais

MISTER Peter Snout was invited out
Heigho fiddle de de,
He had but one shirt and he made a rout
For his wife that moment had waſhed it
While ſnug in bed lay he,            [out,
The dinner was nigh and the ſhirt not dry
Heigho fiddle de de,
Oh dear Mrs. Snout what are you about
If my ſhirt' not ready I'm off without
I'll be d—d if I don t ſaid he
They expect me at five ſo ſays the note
Heigho fidd e de de.
a clean cravat I'll tie round my throat
And up to my chin I'll button my coat.
It will do very well ſays ſhe
He came to the houſe and he doffed his
Heigho fiddie de de                    (hat
He made a fine bow and then down he
Under his waiſtcoat he ſhewed his cravat
Which made the ladies ali b uſh to ſee
The weather was rainy now mind thegig
Heigho fiddle de de
He could not go home but was forced to
With parſon Botch clericai prig [pig
I ſhall ſleep very well ſaid he.
Parſon Botch always changed his ſhirt at
Heigho fiddle de de,                 (night,
And Snout long before 'twas light
slipt intohis skin tho twas ſhort and tight
And out of the room crept be,
The bedfellows ſoon at the breakfaſt met
Heigho fiddle de de,
Parſon Botch proteſted the law he'd get
Says Mrs. Snout 'tis a folly to fret,
I appeal to this company
The Ladies all vow'd Mr. Botch was
Xeigho fiddle de de,                (ſinning
Said they with a vaſt deal of bluſhing and
We all took notice of Mr. Snout's linen,
So off with the ſhirt went he.