[NLS note: a graphic appears here – see image of page]

OH dear what can the matter be,
The shoe I've received is enough for to shatter
Neither Queen, Lords, Commons, or people will
flatter me,
Although I was sent by the Pope.
I thought all the nation that I should surprise them
Of me and my master they've been telling l es then
Consecrated I was in Rome—Archbishop Wiseman
By his holiness, Pius, the Pope.
About me, Mr. Wiseman, they've made a bother,
From one end of England right bang to the other
Now I must return to my father and mother,
Since England has conquered the Pope.

There is little Jack Russell that ought to know
Sent down to a bishop a thundering long letter,
Saying, the Queen in a line, don't they wish they
may get her,
To welcome Old Pius, the Pope.
He called me a buff lo, bull, and a monkey,
And then with a soldier, called Old Arthur Conkey
Declared they would buy me a ninepenny donkey,
And send me to Rome to the Pope.

One night in a chapel I joyful did sing, sir,
And I thought for a bishop the bells ought to ring,
So I bolted away to the castle at Windsor,
Oh ! England has frightened the Pope.
Victoria in a rage, in her drawing room did stand,
And shouted,how dare you come here Mr. Wiseman
Then Albert laid hold of a great kitchen fryingpan
Swearing he would wollop the Pope.

Since I've been in England I've lost all my riches,
I've spouted my petticoat, waistcoat, and breeches
And if I don't go back I'll be rolled in the ditches
Oh ! pray for me, Pius, the Pope.
I confess England's Queen is a nice little creature,
But go where I will, I'm afraid for to meet he
She don't care a farthing for me, nor St. Peter,
And curses old Pi s, the Pope.

I thought when I came all the folks would be
That welcom'd I'd he, and all faces would brighten
But shey one and all say, they will never be
By cardinals, devils, or popes.
The usage I've had sirs, is really amazing,
I'm like an old bull on the common grazing,
If I had my will, I would set 'em all blazing,
So would my master, the Pope.

I thought with the nobles I should have been
Dancing and whistling, fighting and singing,
Oh ! sad was the day I come over to England,
As servant to Pius, the Pope.
The protestants say they'll put up with no flummery
Worshiping broomsticks, or any such mummery,
The monks and the friars they'll look in a nunnery
And horsewhip Old Pius, the Pope.

I thought Old Britannia sleeping I'd caught her,
I'm a poor stranger, without wife or daughter,
In a dung barge they'll send me right over the water
Right home to Old Pius, the Pope.
To England I'll never more come in my life, sir,
To make such a hubbub, wrangling, & strife, sir,
But when I get home I will marry a wife, sir,
So will my master, the Pope.

Oh ! dear ! pig's head and flummery,
England has swore against Popery,
I'm Cardinal Wiseman, shut up in a nunnery
Confined as well as the Pope.

E. HODGES, (from 1. PITTS'), Printer, Whole-
sale Toy and Marble Warehouse, No, 31, Dudley
                        Street, Seven Dials.