[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

Oh did yon see the glorions sight,
Which filed the nation with delight,
The wedding which did ahiao so bright
Of the Princess Royal of England.
Such lots of Foreigners did come
Prince Hohemhoc and Bumpty Bum.
The king and queen of Humphy Fam,
All the world that day was there
With their faces covered over with hair
At the wedding of that lady fair
The Princess Royal of England

Hussa, Hussa, the knot was tied
The tea was made the fish was fried
The Prussian Prince and his sweet bride,
The Princess Royal of England

Now we are married Fred shall me please
Go out in the garden and plant the pass
Fight the bugs and wallop the fleas.
For the Princess Royal of England
e shall put the bible on his lap
Put on his napkins, frock, and hat,
And when be has fed the dear with pap
He snall carry him upon his back
Then I'd buy my fred an Albert chain,
With a handsome silver mounted cain
And a three-penny shirt in Petticoat Lane,

such a glorious sight was never seen,
But at the marraige of England's Queen
It beat the wedding of Bally person
The Princess Royal of England.
The ladies were so gay and fine,
A large battle and a eriaoqine.
That was so big oh what a lark
They could'nt get through St, James's Park
Prety girls sung with delight,
Oh there was never such a charming sight
Come let us all get married to night
With the Princess Royal of England.

Cock a deedle doodle doo
Freddy clean my boots and shoes
Theres plenty of Hule joes to do
For the princess royal of England
Put a border on my cap
Dust the carpet beat the mat
Get the lannell and clean the room,
Put a handle is the broom
Kill the spiders toast the cheese
Make the bed get rid of the tleas
Be all you are my love to please
The Princees Royal of England

I have soldiers, saliors, boats and ships
Tinkers, glaciers. snobs and snips,
Wheelbarrows, waggons, carts and whips
The Princess Royal of England
I have wheat, and bareley, harrows and ploughs
Donkeys, horses, dukes and cows,
Pigs and ganders blankets, rugs,
Pana, pots, and pails and washing tabs
I have got a handsome honnet and fall
A criaoline, a hastle and shawl
And Old John Bull must pay for all
For the Princess Royal of England.

All I wanted was a handsome man
To take me to a distant land
And Prussian Fred did gain the hand,
Of the Princess Royal of England
Oh the day that I was made a wife
Was the happiest day in all my life
So it would be a burning time
To wish I was a said again
But a maid again I ne'er shall be
Yon pretty maids do just like me
My husband will so happy be