PLOT or no PLOT.

THE Summons were ſent, and without more ado,
Away troops the Juncto by two and by two :
At the Head of this Honeſt and Politick Clan,
March'd the Great Duke,with his new Convert Dan.
When all were arrived, and in deep Council ſate,
His Grace, void of Fear, thus began the Debate :
This Houſe, my Wiſe Friends, was fam'd heretoſore,
For Bully and Dun, for Gameſter and Whore ;
But a new Luſtre it now ſhall receive,
And in your Reſolves Eternally live ;
But ſoft, to the Buſineſs—Know all I have caught
Our Friend little Robin at laſt in a Plot,
I'll prove that the Villainous Traytor from hence,
Did Orders to General O —— d diſpence,
To Husband the Treaſure and Blood of the Nation.
If this be but True, 'tis a Plot, and a baſe One,
Quoth Bacon Face ſtrait—— But Da-mi Blood ſwore,
This ſurely had been been a good Plot heretoſore,
When Simile Garth had his Sun and his Nile,
For thoſe who by Plunder had reſcu'd our Iſle.
With a Look ſo demure the Eloquent Daniel,
My new Lords and Maſters, permit me, your Spaniel,
To ſhow by this Rule, and it follows aright,
That Bob's a Black Man, and Lord Bacon-Face White.
Whate'er you Reſolve, alot me my Part,
With Time for to Con it, and get it by Heart ;
With a Flame I'll repeat that Nuz ſhall appear,
More fit for the Gallows than any one here :
Too late ſhall he rue that he manag'd it ſo,
As to force me drive Headlong from High-Church to Low.
The Mouſe then aroſe, and demanded the Letter,
In Proſe he perus'd it, and turn'd it to Meter,
And openly then to the Board did rehearſe,
But it prov'd a No Plot, both in Proſe and in Verſe :
The Elder Sigillo deliver'd his Thought,
That the Plot had been better, had O—d but fought ;
And if they cou'd once but bring that about,
He'd ſoon undertake to make it all out.
Your Council is good, and we all thank you for't,
Quoth gentle Prince John, but our Time is too ſhort ;
A Day or two hence and Peace will be here,
Then a Fig for your Wiſdom in Plots Brother Peer.
I grant it none yet, bold Da-mi-Blood cry'd,
Yet if Dan the Sincere gain few to our Side,
Tho' here you're for turning this Letter to Graſs,
It may ſpring a good Plot in a far better Place :
But Dan found his Friends did not care for to follow,
One here with a Whoop that's gone with a Hollow.
The Aſſembly thus broke, like the Blind and the Lame,
By Couples they went, as by Couples they came,
And Rage and Deſpair our Wiſe Juncto Poſes,
And makes them forget to count over Noſes.

London : Printed in the Year MDCCXII. (Price Id.)