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A New Copy of Verſesſent by a young
Man to his Sweetheart in Plymouth ;
giving a particular Account of the glori-
ous Victory gained over French, by
taking the famous and flouriſhsng Iſle of

SWEET William of Plymouth a letter did
Unto his true love and ſweet hearts delight,
As ſoon as ſhe read it, it cauſed her to ſmile,
When ſhe found that ſweet William was well at
Said he my dear jewel theſe lines I compos'd,
And ſafe in this letter I have it inclos'd,
They will let you know love how ſortune did ſmile
On our Britiſh heroes at the ſiege of B lliſle.
With true Britiſh hearts to the ſeas we did go,
And by God's aſſiſtance to conquer our oes,
Bold Hutſon and Kepe upon us did ſmi e
And ſaid ne'er fear but we'll take Belliſle.
When we came to the harbour we view'd it all
To find the beſt landing and ſaſeſt of ground,
But we miſt of our aim love at firſt for a while
By there politick works at the ſiege of Belliſle.
Our flat bottom boats we all did prepare,
For to land our forces the wind being fair,
But with iron ſpicks love they were ſet ſo thick,
Unſeen in the water which made our boats ſtick.
So faſt my dear love we could not get away,
From their forts their connons upon us did play,
At laſt off again love we chanced to get,
And then from their harbour again we did retreat.
But we found out a place love our boats for to land,
Bold general Hutſon he did us command,
And ſoon we intrenched ſo nigh to the walls,
That they could not touch us with their cannon
Bold Commodore Kepel kept guard on the ſea,
While Hutſon ſaid ne'er ſear boys you do me
well pleaſe,
O the skies they did eccho by our cannons ſound,
And made their ſtrong walls boys come tumbling
Our balls and our bums made their houſe to ſh
Alſo their inhabitants hearts for to ach.
Which made them ſurrender the fine k
Then into the citadel we all did advance.
The bells in the ſteeples we made them
And drank a good health love to Geo
Likewiſe to our wives and ſweethe
When the danger are over ſuch liv
I hope in ſhort time love at Port
Make reddy my jewel and come
And ſo to conclude love thoſe li
My pen hath done writing my ſw