The London Addreſs.

WE the Hundred and Fifty Elect of the Gown,
By his Lordſhip conven'd from all Parts of the Town,
Now you've turn'd out your Friends, for which Hea-
vens bleſs you !
Conceive we may ſafely miſlead, and Addreſs you.
In the firſt place we beg you'd be pleas'd to take notice,
For 'tis nothing but Truth, Verbo Sacerdotis,
That the Hearts and the Hands of High-Church-Men were never
Yet known in State-Matters to travel together :
This we wiſely premiſe, that from thence you may gueſs,
What Credit is due to our Loyal Addreſs.
The Tryal was wicked, no Precedent for it ;
And as Genuine Sons of the Church, we abhor it :
Of your Honour, no doubt, 'twas a horrid Invaſion,
To maintain to your face, and that of the Nation,
That the late Revolution, by which you now reign,
Was free from Rebellion's moſt damnable Stain :
Your Majeſty's Title we ſay's by Deſcent,
Tho we ſwear 'tis confirm'd by the People's Conſent.
Thus the Church Bacon's ſav'd, come Whig or come Tory,
We've a Meaning reſerv'd to prove we are for you :
We have taken the Oaths, and our Livings ſecur'd,
Yet ne'er heard of his Claim, whoſe Claim we've abjur'd.
Sometimes in our Works Right Divine's our Expreſſion,
Sometimes we cry up the Eſtabliſh'd Succeſſion:
So catch as catch can, we've engag'd the Careſſes
Of St. Germains and Hanover by our Addreſſes.
We own 'tis a Sin your juſt Pow'r to reſiſt,
Yet we vow to withſtand it, whenever we liſt ;
For if we but fancy that Slavery's coming,
My Lord cries to Horſe, and we all fall a Drumming.
We thought the French King was reduc'd enough long ſince,
And to ruin him quite, was too cruel in Conſcience :
We therefore all join in this peaceable Pray'r,
Oh ! Lord ſcatter thoſe that delight in the War.

To conclude: Oh ! Thou Mother of our Mother-Church,
Good Grandmother leave us not now in the Lurch ;
You ſee we are here in a Militant State,
And our Triumphs, God knows, are promis'd us late :
Ah ! do but indulge us in next Convocation,
We'l drive your Supremacy out of the Nation,
And hoiſt up our own, till the next Reſtoration.