[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

          MY FRIEND



Printed and sold by Jennings, Water lane,
            Fleet-street, London.

THE wealthy fool, with gold in store,
Will still desire to grow richer,
Give me my health—I ask no more
Than my sweet girl, my friend and


My friend so rare, my girl so fair,
With such what mortal can be richer ?
Give me but these, a fig for care,
With my sweet girl, my friend and

From morning sun I'll never grieve,
To toil a hedger or, a ditcher,
If that, when I come home at eve,
I might enjoy my friend and pitcher.

Tho' fortune ever shuns my door,
I can't think what can thus bewitch her ;
With all my heart can I be poor,
With my sweet girl, my friend and