Le H----p at Hanober / A New Song.

WHen Robin rul'd the Britiſh Land
With Gold and Silver brigat,
To put his Kindred All in Place,
He ever took delight.

Forth from the venal Band he call'd,
H---ce and If---c came,
He bid 'em go to foreign Courts,
And raiſe immortal Fame.

Two Taylors Daughters rich and fair,
Exactly match'd each Brother ;
Ho---ce made S it, and gain'd the one,
And If---c ſtitch'd the other.

Alike they were in Shape and Size,
Alike in Parts and Breeding ;
One to the Court of France was ſent,
One to the Court of Sweden.

Ho---ce in France did Treaties maker
VVhich ne'er can be repeated.;
And you ſhall hear how Iſ---c too ,
Our Heir Apparent treated.

At Herenbauſen he arriv'd,
And knocked at the Ring,
And told them, that in haſte he brought,
A Meſſage from the King.

They took him for a Poſt-boy firſt,
And ſo they let him wai ,
It being an Hour, at leaſt, before
They open'd him the Gate.

Incens'd at this, he rag'd and ſtorm'd,
And made a mighty Pother,
And ſwore by G--d he'd teach Them all,
To know Sir R----t's Brother.

Our P---e came out,and eard him ſwear,
Miſtook him firſt for S----on,
But after ask'd him civily,
To eat a piece of Mutton.

But then at Supper as they ſat
Drinking and gaily ſporting,
Le H---p with many a ſmutty Joke
His Neighbour ell a courting.

And down her Stays his hands he ſqueez'd
Then talk'd wond'rous Pais,
Quoth he, Mon Prince Apartment,
Vous fontez tout cela.

The Prince was ſhock'd, yet ſmiling ſaid,
Theſe Jokes are of the oddeſt,
Good Squire Le H---p, for you muſt know
Our Ladies are all modeſt.

Modeſt ! reply'd Le H---p, and ſneer'd,
Before I go to Stockhalm,
As modeſt as they are, Good Sir,
In faith I mean to K---ck 'em.

The Men got up and Iaugh'd aloud,
The Damſels did retire ;
Then to return their low contempt,
Thus ſpoke the angry Squire.

Come kiſs mine A--ſe, your P--ce and all
D---n ye, d'ye think I care,
Has e're a German Prince like me,
Five thouſand Pounds a Year ?

Provok'd at this Language foul
They call'd him Houndsfoot Skellham,
And threat'ned they wou'd uſe him wor
Than e're the King did P---ham.

The P--ce (God bleſs him) now ſtep'd in
Who kept his Temper ſtill ;
And ſaid, This Man my Father ſent,
And shall we uſe bim ill ?

No ! I to England with this News,
A Letter will indite ,
The King ana Queen shall know it all,

And they will do me right.

My Father will revenge the Aſſront,
And turn out all his Kin,
From him that does from
Y----th ſerve,
To him that ſerves for L----n.

Now God bleſs both out K---g and Q---n
And may they quickly do it;
Or ſhortly elſe (full well I ween)
They will have cauſe to rue it.