
                   To the laſt new play

          A Duke and no Duke.

                    Spoken by Mr. Jevon.

WHo Would have thought to have ſeen ſo many here,
At ſuch a Rambling ſeaſon of the Year ;
And what's more ſtrange ? all Well and Sound to the Eye,
Pray Gentlemen forgive me if I Lye.
I thought this Seaſon to have turn'd Phyſician,
But now I ſee ſmall hopes in that condition :
Yet how if I ſhould hire a Black Flower'd Jump,
And plye at Iſlington, Doctor to Sadlers Pump.
But firſt let me Conſult old Erra Pater,
And ſee what he adviſes in the Matter.

Let's ſee———
V nus and Mars, I find in Aries are,
In the Ninth Houſe. a Damn'd dry Bobbing Year.
The price of Mutton, will run high 'tis thought,
And Vizard Masks will fall to ten a Groat.
The Moon's in Scorpio's Houſe or Capricorns,
Friends of the City govern well your Homes:
Your Wives will have a mighty Trade this Quarter,
I find they'll never leave their Natural Charter.
For once take my Advice as a true Friend,
When they a Walk to the new Wells pretend,
If youl avoid your Sail, quick haſten after,
They uſe more wayes to Cool, than Drinking Water.



                Spoken by Mr. Haines.

TRapolin, ſuppos'd a Duke, in this place ſhows
Strange matters may depend on meer ſuppoſe.
One may ſuppoſe Masks chaſt lov'd Nonſenſe Witty,
No Flattery at Court, nor Whig i'th' City
I am by one i'th' World ſuppoſed Pretty.
FFantaſie digeſted unto Storms ſuppoſes,
Whereas you ſee no Lillies grow nor Roſes,
So Masks for Beauty paſs that want their Noſes.
The Reverend Cityzen, Sixty and above,
That by poor inch of Candle buys his Love,