[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

YOU staunch men of Kent one moment
pray attend,
And a song to amuse you I'll sing,
Concerning the election that shortly must
take place,
And the men who will strive to get in,

Then Electors all prepare,
And bring your plumpers in,
Send Admirals to sea, and Lawyers away,
For Rolt is the man who must wiu,

Now Rolt is a man that we all know well,
And dwells in the sound of each voice,
He is as sound as his timbers, it is now to
you I'll tell,
So he is the man tor our choice.

He'll support every plan that is good for
our land,
He is loyal to our country and Quean,
So if you want a staunch supporter, he
must be your man,
And prove that your minds are all sereane

Some parts of our town is falling to decay,
With his timbers he will soon prop it up,
And with his firm rafter? he will shew you
the way,
Your enemies to give the upper cut.

We do not want lawyers, we have enough
of them,
And although I do not mean to be uncivil,
But Peter is the man to parliament we'll
And pilch lawyers headlong to the d—,

Sailors they are good to protect us at sea,
But though they have ups and downs on
the ocean,
In parliament they are no use you must
They don't understand a political motion.

So I'll tell you a plan what I think is best,
Of all the lot, if the truth I must speak, sir,
To do our work in the house, above all
the rest,
Is Salomans the Jew, and brave Peter.
        Disley, Printer, London.