TO THE


YOU talk of your High-Church Addreſſes,
Their Loyalty, Zeal and Aſſection ;
But tho'our Neceſſity preſſes
You ſtill keep the Whigs in ſubjection.
And will not one Peny beſtow
To reduce the proud Spirit of France,
And not ſuffer the Whigs for to ſhow
How much they are willing t' advance.
You all have great Places of Truſt.
Yet remember on whom ye depend ;
Pray God you be faithful and juſt,
And prove honeſt Stewards in the end.
4. ,
You fay that we muſt have a Peace,
On the Articles Frame does propoſe,
Why then all our Troubles will ceaſe,
And a Fig for our impotent Foes.
We know they're not able to ſtand,
Nor hinder their Country from Ruin,
Yet High Church does grant their demand,
And ſcorns to ſeek their undoing.
Their Charity thus they extend,
Nor will they advantages take,
They hope to have France for a Friend,
And therefore a Peace they will make.
Pray think on the ways of old Lews,
How unfaithful he ever has been;
You know what I tell you moſt true is,
Then have mere regard for your Q—n.
If you give unto Philip the Indies,
And all the whole Kingdom of Spain,
He quickly will tell you his mind is
What Lewis has loll to regain.
For why ſhould he ſtand to the Bargain
His Grandfather made for htmſelf,
He'll tell you 'tis not worth a Farthing,
Nor will he be thought ſuch an Elf.
Old Lewis once laid in his Grave
The Grandſons too ſoon may unite,
And they that have Money may have
Great numbers of Soldiers to fight.
With Vigour then puſh on the War,
Till better Propoſals are made ;
All ſiniſter Treaties abhor,
And ſecure to the Subjects their Trade.
Remember how much it has coſt
The Spamſh Dominions to gain ;
How many brave Men we have loſt.
And ſhall we then labour in vain,
Five Millions the H—ders proſſer
To lend you, if that you have need ;
Thee do not refuſe ſuch an offer,
But accept of their Favour with ſpeed,
The kindneſs you fee of the D——ch,
Which if you refuſe, I admire it
The Whigs too will lend you as much,
Or more if the Q——n require it.

      Printed in the Year MDCCXl.
