verfe3 parts. Ere ſince the Theban Bard to prove
The Wondrous Magick of his Art
Taught Trees and Forreſts how to move
All Nature has a gen'ral Concert held
Each Creature ſtrives to bear a part,
And All but Death and Hell to Conquering Muſick yeild.


verſe 2..vod But ſtay, I hear Methinks aMotley Crew
A peeviſh, odd, Eccentrick Race
The Glory of the Art debaſe
Perhaps becauſe the ſacred Emblem 'Tis
Of Truth, of Peace, and Order too,
So dang'rous tis to be perverſely wife.
But be they ever, in the Wrong,
Who ſay the Prophets Harp 'ere ſpoil'd the Poets Song ?


   GRAND CHORUS 5 Parts.

To Athens now my Muſe Retire,
The Refuge and the Theatre of Wit,
And in that ſafe and ſweet Retreat
Amongſt Apollo's ſons Enquire
And ſee if any Friend of thinebe there,
But ſure fo near the Theſpian ſpring
he humbleſt Bard may ſit and ſing
Here reſt my Muſe, and dwell for ever Here.